Greer Clayton


Contemporary painter Greer Clayton extracts the essence of New Zealand’s natural environment through large-scale immersive landscapes.

Drawing on retrospection and evocation, and conceptualised through the act of painting, Clayton’s atmospheric compositions present an abstracted impression of her chosen scene rather than a direct topographical representation. The resulting paintings exude a subliminal connectivity with the land itself, offering themselves as instruments with which to view beyond what the naked eye has previously submitted as fact when experiencing these familiar places ourselves. Moody, timeless, and ethereal, the paintings encourage introspection and a sense of halcyon solitude.

For Clayton, abstraction acts as a vehicle; the ambiguity of a location presiding as an invitation for the viewer to bring their own memories and projections of a place and time into the space. Her sensitive enquiry into atmosphere and terrain catalyses subtle variations of colour, light, and form, and serenely invokes a visual dialogue with Clayton’s own recollections and musings.

Having graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Elam School of Fine Arts in 1996, Clayton went on to travel extensively, exhibiting in Sydney, London, and Scotland.

Parnell Gallery has represented Greer Clayton since 2013

Parnell Gallery Auckland Artwork for sale Fiordland Glow by Greer Clayton